Jan 26, 2012

Why Learn Math Vocabulary Words?

Some individuals may hold the opinion that since mathematics deals with numbers it is not of importance for students to learn mathematics vocabulary words. Younger children especially find difficulty behind the rationale of integrating vocabulary into mathematics. Technically, the term mathematics is defined as the study of measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols.  While arithmetic is defined as a branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulations of numbers. Arithmetic is what can be considered as “dealing with numbers”. Within these two varying definitions, there are mathematical terms that are difficult to define within themselves, causing for the entire definition of mathematics or arithmetic to seem arduous to understand. Yet, with the background knowledge of the other mathematical terms, (quantities, sets, etc.) the definition of mathematics and arithmetic are not as complex.

Also, mathematics could be seen and considered as a science as well as a language. Being “fluent” in the “language” will enhance the students overall understanding of concepts. With this found understanding, students are no longer just completing different computations to solve problems, put they understand why they are taking certain steps to complete the computations. Being affluent in mathematical terminology gives students a better chance of executing problems correctly. Because they understand what is being asked of them, they can then act accordingly in performing the necessary calculation. Being able to read and understand mathematical concepts also aids students in their ability to correctly understand mathematical content.

With the progression in the realm of mathematics it becomes more than just manipulating numbers, it turns into how to solve real life problems and how to think critically. Therefore, equally important to understanding mathematical terminology is understanding the context in which the terminology is being used. It does no good to recognize a definition, if you do not understand how to integrate that definition into a math problem. 

Related Link(s)
Importance of Vocabulary Instruction in Everyday Mathematics
Math Vocabulary List

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